Explore the contents of Data Exports

What should you expect to see in data exports?


Data Export Pricing

The Data Export feature is part of the paid Security & Data Pro add-on. Contact your Ironclad account representative for more information about purchasing this package.
See an overview of the Security & Data Pro Add-on in our Help Center

Audit Log Export Type

Audit Log Data Format

Below is a list of the fields included in the audit_log export and a description of each field.

Field NameDescription
Event TimeThe timestamp indicates when the event occurred. In UTC timezone
Event NameThe name or identifier of the specific event.
Instance IDThe Ironclad Instance where events have taken place.
Actor IDAn identifier or reference to the user or entity responsible for the event.
Actor EmailThe email address of the individual or entity responsible for the event (if applicable).
Actor NameThe name of the individual or entity responsible for the event (if applicable).
Event DataAdditional data or information related to the event, providing context or details.

Audit Log Event Details

Below is a list of events that may be included in the audit_log export, along with a description of the event.

User Entitlement & IdentityCreate GroupCreate a new group
User Entitlement & IdentityRemove GroupRemove an existing group
User Entitlement & IdentityAdd Group MemberAdd a member to a group
User Entitlement & IdentityUser Login SuccessSuccessful user login
User Entitlement & IdentityUpdate Group PermissionModify group permissions
User Entitlement & IdentityRemove Group MemberRemove a member from a group
User Entitlement & IdentityInvite User To CompanySend an invitation to a user to join an Ironclad instance
User Entitlement & IdentityUser LogoutLog out a user
User Entitlement & IdentityUpdate User ProfileModify the user's profile information
User Entitlement & IdentityEmail VerificationVerify an email address
User Entitlement & IdentityUpdate PasswordChange user's password
User Entitlement & IdentityWFD Definition Group PermissionUpdate Workflow Designer permission
System EventIntegration Errorintegration error occurs in an entity

Workflow Activities Export Type

Workflow Activities Data Format

ParameterColumn HeaderFormatDescription

Included by default
workflow_idstringThe ID of the workflow that was the target of the event

Included by default
workflow_titlestringThe title of the target workflow

Included by default
workflow_urlstring URLThe full URL of the target workflow

Included by default
workflow_creator_display_namestringThe display name of the creator of the target workflow.

Included by default
workflow_creator_emailstringThe email address of the creator of the target workflow, if available.  System-generated workflows will not have this field populated.

Included by default
workflow_parentstringThe ID of the parent workflow of the target workflow, if one exists.

Included by default
workflow_template_namestringThe name of the workflow template used for the target workflow.

Included by default
workflow_definition_namestringThe name of the workflow definition used by this workflow.

Included by default
activity_timestampISO-formatted datetime stringThe time at which the event occurred

Included by default
activity_event_typestringType of the event that occurred

Included by default
author_display_namestringThe name of the user that generated this event.  System-generated user events will have the name “Ironclad”

Included by default
author_emailstringThe email address of the user that generated this event, if available.

Included by default
activity_messagestringA descriptive message associated with the event

Included by default
workflow_approval_rolestringFor approval-related events, the role of the user that generated this event.

Included by default
assignee_user_namestringUser assigned to the task

Included by default
new_approversstringThe names of any new approver added as part of the workflow activity entry.
[Optional] includeExceptionRequestInfo

Boolean to show or hide clause exception request and approval details. Defaults to FALSE.
document_pathstringIronclad document path for the current record.
[Optional] includeExceptionRequestInfo

Boolean to show or hide clause exception request and approval details. Defaults to FALSE.
clause_exception_statusstringThe status of the clause exception request, if the workflow activity entry relates to a clause exception.

One of the values exemption requested or exemption approved.
[Optional] includeExceptionRequestInfo

Boolean to show or hide clause exception request and approval details. Defaults to FALSE.
exception_clause_typestringThe clause type of the clause exception request, if the workflow activity entry relates to a clause exception.
[Optional] includeExceptionRequestInfo

Boolean to show or hide clause exception request and approval details. Defaults to FALSE.
exception_clause_idstringUUID of the clause type
[Optional] includeExceptionRequestInfo

Boolean to show or hide clause exception request and approval details. Defaults to FALSE.
exception_is_position_preferredbooleanIndicates if the position represented by the clause is preferred or not.
[Optional] includeExceptionRequestInfo

Boolean to show or hide clause exception request and approval details. Defaults to FALSE.
exception_position_typestringCaptures the type of the position selected.

One of the values: preferred or custom
[Optional] includeExceptionRequestInfo

Boolean to show or hide clause exception request and approval details. Defaults to FALSE.
exception_position_languagestringThe text of the language of the position selected.
[Optional] includeExceptionRequestInfo

Boolean to show or hide clause exception request and approval details. Defaults to FALSE.
exception_position_descriptionstringThe configured description of the position selected.
[Optional] includeExceptionRequestInfo

Boolean to show or hide clause exception request and approval details. Defaults to FALSE.
exception_position_namestringAligned to exception_position_type, the name of the position.

One of the values: Standard or Non-standard language
[Optional] workflowAttributes

Array of additional column names. Defaults to empty.
various custom metadata columnsArray of stringsAdditional custom workflow metadata attributes can be added to the export. Please contact Customer Success for a list of available custom workflow metadata attributes.
[Optional] includeCommentDetail

Boolean to show or hide comment details. Defaults to FALSE.
comment_detailstringInclude the comment detail values flag.

Workflow Activities Event Details

The events contained in the workflow_activities export listed below correspond to events in the Activity Feed.

Event TypeDescription
addedUsersA user was added as a participant to a workflow
addSignerA signer was added to a workflow
approveForArchiveA workflow was approved for archive to the repository
changeTurnA user changed the workflow’s turn for turn tracking (i.e. counterparty vs. internal turn)
clauseApproverAssignedA playbook clause approval has been triggered and a user has been assigned to approve the clause exception.

See the exception_clause_type column for the title of the clause an exception was requested for. Requires using the includeExceptionRequestInfo request header option in the API request.

See comment_detail for the reason the approval is being sought.
clauseExceptionApprovedA user assigned to approve a clause exception has approved the exception.

See the exception_clause_type column for the title of the clause an exception was requested for. Requires using the includeExceptionRequestInfo request header option in the API request.

See author_display_name and author_display_email for the approver’s information.
commentA comment was made on a workflow’s activity feed.
counterpartySignupA counterparty accepted an offer to participate in a workflow
cpInviteRevokedA counterparty invite to participate in a workflow was revoked.
cpSendInviteA counterparty invite to participate in a workflow was sent.
createdRecordFromWorkflowA repository record was created from a workflow
documentUpdateA document associated with a workflow was updated
downloadDocumentA document associated with a workflow was downloaded
editedInformationThe metadata of a workflow was edited
externalFormSubmittedAn external form for a workflow was completed
formSubmittedA form was submitted for a workflow
generatedDocumentFromTemplateA document was generated from a template on a workflow
recordApprovedA repository record was approved for a completed workflow
recordModifiedAndApprovedA repository record was approved for a completed workflow after metadata modifications
refreshFromSourceA workflow was refreshed from a connected source (Salesforce, Coupa)
refreshFromSourceRequestA request was made to refresh a workflow from its connected source (Salesforce, Coupa)
reviewCompleteThe review stage of a workflow was completed
reviewDocumentUploadedA document was uploaded to a workflow during its review stage
reviewStatusApprovedAn approver approved a workflow during the review stage
signatureCanceledA request to sign a document was canceled
signatureDeclinedA request to sign a document was declined by the recipient
signatureRequestCompletedTime at which all signatures have been obtained on a workflow document.
signatureRequestReassignedA signature request was reassigned to a different recipient
signatureRequestRemindedA reminder to sign a document was sent to a recipient
signatureRequestSentA request to sign a document was sent to a recipient
signatureRequestSignedA recipient of a sign request signed the associated document
signatureRequestViewedA request to sign a document was viewed by the recipient
signatureRequestVoidedA request to sign a document was voided
signatureRevertedToReviewA workflow was reverted from the signature stage back to the review stage
skippedWorkflowEmailAn email from Ironclad was unable to be sent (error notification).
updatedUsersThe users associated with a workflow were edited
workflowCancelledA workflow was canceled
workflowPausedA workflow was paused
workflowResumedA workflow was resumed from the paused state