Explore the contents of Data Exports
What should you expect to see in data exports?
Data Export Pricing
The Data Export feature is part of the paid Security & Data Pro add-on. Contact your Ironclad account representative for more information about purchasing this package.
See an overview of the Security & Data Pro Add-on in our Help Center
Audit Log Export Type
Audit Log Data Format
Below is a list of the fields included in the audit_log
export and a description of each field.
Field Name | Description |
Event Time | The timestamp indicates when the event occurred. In UTC timezone |
Event Name | The name or identifier of the specific event. |
Instance ID | The Ironclad Instance where events have taken place. |
Actor ID | An identifier or reference to the user or entity responsible for the event. |
Actor Email | The email address of the individual or entity responsible for the event (if applicable). |
Actor Name | The name of the individual or entity responsible for the event (if applicable). |
Event Data | Additional data or information related to the event, providing context or details. |
Audit Log Event Details
Below is a list of events that may be included in the audit_log
export, along with a description of the event.
Category | Event | Description |
User Entitlement & Identity | Create Group | Create a new group |
User Entitlement & Identity | Remove Group | Remove an existing group |
User Entitlement & Identity | Add Group Member | Add a member to a group |
User Entitlement & Identity | User Login Success | Successful user login |
User Entitlement & Identity | Update Group Permission | Modify group permissions |
User Entitlement & Identity | Remove Group Member | Remove a member from a group |
User Entitlement & Identity | Invite User To Company | Send an invitation to a user to join an Ironclad instance |
User Entitlement & Identity | User Logout | Log out a user |
User Entitlement & Identity | Update User Profile | Modify the user's profile information |
User Entitlement & Identity | Email Verification | Verify an email address |
User Entitlement & Identity | Update Password | Change user's password |
User Entitlement & Identity | WFD Definition Group Permission | Update Workflow Designer permission |
System Event | Integration Error | integration error occurs in an entity |
Workflow Activities Export Type
Workflow Activities Data Format
Parameter | Column Header | Format | Description |
None Included by default | workflow_id | string | The ID of the workflow that was the target of the event |
None Included by default | workflow_title | string | The title of the target workflow |
None Included by default | workflow_url | string URL | The full URL of the target workflow |
None Included by default | workflow_creator_display_name | string | The display name of the creator of the target workflow. |
None Included by default | workflow_creator_email | string | The email address of the creator of the target workflow, if available. System-generated workflows will not have this field populated. |
None Included by default | workflow_parent | string | The ID of the parent workflow of the target workflow, if one exists. |
None Included by default | workflow_template_name | string | The name of the workflow template used for the target workflow. |
None Included by default | workflow_definition_name | string | The name of the workflow definition used by this workflow. |
None Included by default | activity_timestamp | ISO-formatted datetime string | The time at which the event occurred |
None Included by default | activity_event_type | string | Type of the event that occurred |
None Included by default | author_display_name | string | The name of the user that generated this event. System-generated user events will have the name “Ironclad” |
None Included by default | author_email | string | The email address of the user that generated this event, if available. |
None Included by default | activity_message | string | A descriptive message associated with the event |
None Included by default | workflow_approval_role | string | For approval-related events, the role of the user that generated this event. |
None Included by default | assignee_user_name | string | User assigned to the task |
None Included by default | new_approvers | string | The names of any new approver added as part of the workflow activity entry. |
[Optional] includeExceptionRequestInfo Boolean to show or hide clause exception request and approval details. Defaults to FALSE. | document_path | string | Ironclad document path for the current record. |
[Optional] includeExceptionRequestInfo Boolean to show or hide clause exception request and approval details. Defaults to FALSE. | clause_exception_status | string | The status of the clause exception request, if the workflow activity entry relates to a clause exception. One of the values exemption requested or exemption approved. |
[Optional] includeExceptionRequestInfo Boolean to show or hide clause exception request and approval details. Defaults to FALSE. | exception_clause_type | string | The clause type of the clause exception request, if the workflow activity entry relates to a clause exception. |
[Optional] includeExceptionRequestInfo Boolean to show or hide clause exception request and approval details. Defaults to FALSE. | exception_clause_id | string | UUID of the clause type |
[Optional] includeExceptionRequestInfo Boolean to show or hide clause exception request and approval details. Defaults to FALSE. | exception_is_position_preferred | boolean | Indicates if the position represented by the clause is preferred or not. |
[Optional] includeExceptionRequestInfo Boolean to show or hide clause exception request and approval details. Defaults to FALSE. | exception_position_type | string | Captures the type of the position selected. One of the values: preferred or custom |
[Optional] includeExceptionRequestInfo Boolean to show or hide clause exception request and approval details. Defaults to FALSE. | exception_position_language | string | The text of the language of the position selected. |
[Optional] includeExceptionRequestInfo Boolean to show or hide clause exception request and approval details. Defaults to FALSE. | exception_position_description | string | The configured description of the position selected. |
[Optional] includeExceptionRequestInfo Boolean to show or hide clause exception request and approval details. Defaults to FALSE. | exception_position_name | string | Aligned to exception_position_type, the name of the position. One of the values: Standard or Non-standard language |
[Optional] workflowAttributes Array of additional column names. Defaults to empty. | various custom metadata columns | Array of strings | Additional custom workflow metadata attributes can be added to the export. Please contact Customer Success for a list of available custom workflow metadata attributes. |
[Optional] includeCommentDetail Boolean to show or hide comment details. Defaults to FALSE. | comment_detail | string | Include the comment detail values flag. |
Workflow Activities Event Details
The events contained in the workflow_activities
export listed below correspond to events in the Activity Feed.
Event Type | Description |
addedUsers | A user was added as a participant to a workflow |
addSigner | A signer was added to a workflow |
approveForArchive | A workflow was approved for archive to the repository |
carbonCopiedRecipients | |
changeTurn | A user changed the workflow’s turn for turn tracking (i.e. counterparty vs. internal turn) |
clauseApproverAssigned | A playbook clause approval has been triggered and a user has been assigned to approve the clause exception. See the exception_clause_type column for the title of the clause an exception was requested for. Requires using the includeExceptionRequestInfo request header option in the API request. See comment_detail for the reason the approval is being sought. |
clauseExceptionApproved | A user assigned to approve a clause exception has approved the exception. See the exception_clause_type column for the title of the clause an exception was requested for. Requires using the includeExceptionRequestInfo request header option in the API request. See author_display_name and author_display_email for the approver’s information. |
comment | A comment was made on a workflow’s activity feed. |
counterpartySignup | A counterparty accepted an offer to participate in a workflow |
cpInviteRevoked | A counterparty invite to participate in a workflow was revoked. |
cpSendInvite | A counterparty invite to participate in a workflow was sent. |
createdRecordFromWorkflow | A repository record was created from a workflow |
documentUpdate | A document associated with a workflow was updated |
downloadDocument | A document associated with a workflow was downloaded |
editedInformation | The metadata of a workflow was edited |
editRecordRemindAssignee | |
editRecordRevertToSign | |
editSigner | |
editSigningOrder | |
emailSent | |
eSignatureProviderEditSigner | |
externalFormSubmitted | An external form for a workflow was completed |
formSubmitted | A form was submitted for a workflow |
generatedDocumentFromTemplate | A document was generated from a template on a workflow |
inboundSignatureRemindAssignee | |
linkedSourceUpdateError | |
partiallySignedDocumentUploaded | |
recordApproved | A repository record was approved for a completed workflow |
recordModifiedAndApproved | A repository record was approved for a completed workflow after metadata modifications |
refreshFromSource | A workflow was refreshed from a connected source (Salesforce, Coupa) |
refreshFromSourceRequest | A request was made to refresh a workflow from its connected source (Salesforce, Coupa) |
remindSignatureCoordinator | |
removeComments | |
removeFlexibleApprover | |
removeSigner | |
reRunAiDetection | |
reRunAiDetectionFailed | |
reviewComplete | The review stage of a workflow was completed |
reviewDocumentRemindAssignee | |
reviewDocumentUploaded | A document was uploaded to a workflow during its review stage |
reviewStatusApproved | An approver approved a workflow during the review stage |
setAssignee | |
signatureCanceled | A request to sign a document was canceled |
signatureDeclined | A request to sign a document was declined by the recipient |
signatureRequestCompleted | Time at which all signatures have been obtained on a workflow document. |
signatureRequestReassigned | A signature request was reassigned to a different recipient |
signatureRequestReminded | A reminder to sign a document was sent to a recipient |
signatureRequestSent | A request to sign a document was sent to a recipient |
signatureRequestSigned | A recipient of a sign request signed the associated document |
signatureRequestViewed | A request to sign a document was viewed by the recipient |
signatureRequestVoided | A request to sign a document was voided |
signatureRevertedToReview | A workflow was reverted from the signature stage back to the review stage |
skippedWorkflowEmail | An email from Ironclad was unable to be sent (error notification). |
updatedUsers | The users associated with a workflow were edited |
workflowCancelled | A workflow was canceled |
workflowPaused | A workflow was paused |
workflowResumed | A workflow was resumed from the paused state |
Updated about 13 hours ago