OAuth 2.0 General Availability

We are pleased to announce that authentication via OAuth 2.0 is now in general availability. All CLM API customers are eligible to use this feature; there is no impact to existing integrations or API bearer tokens at this time. For more details on OAuth with Ironclad, please see the guide here. If you would like to migrate an existing bearer-token-based integration to use OAuth instead, we have compiled some migration guidance. If you have any questions, please reach out to your Ironclad support representative.


What's inside: webhook authentication, a new OAuth route, and many new API endpoints/webhooks!

Early Access Program for Authentication via OAuth 2.0

The Ironclad Developer Experience team is pleased to announce that the start of our Early Access Program to support authentication via OAuth 2.0 in the Ironclad CLM API. All API customers are eligible to use this feature, and it will be enabled upon request; please reach out to your Ironclad support representative to request access. For more details on OAuth with Ironclad, please see the guide here.

New API Rate Limits

Effective September 19, 2023, the Ironclad CLM API has protective rate limiting to ensure that we can safely manage high volumes of incoming API requests and balance the needs of all customers.


What's inside: additional webhook events and filters for workflows/workflow schemas. Plus changes to the comments API and additional documentation on the workflow launch API.


New API Beta Program

We are now offering certain beta API endpoints on an as-is and self-serve basis; these beta programs are subject to the Ironclad Beta Policy. Look for this callout in the documentation to identify if an API is in beta. Your feedback on these new features is always appreciated and please reach out to [email protected] with any questions!



What's inside: ServiceNow integration guide; API support for Ironclad IDs, contract families, additional workflow document properties, and deleting record attachments.


Welcome to the new CLM API Changelog!

We aim to update this log at least once a month. Please subscribe to the RSS Feed to be kept up to date on our latest API features. For general Ironclad feature release information, please see our Release Notes