Getting Started

Ironclad has two related but distinct sections: (1) Workflows and (2) Records.


Workflows are the basic unit of Ironclad. They represent a business process and contract that an end-user can initiate in Ironclad. The corresponding Workflows API allows you to retrieve, create, and interact with active and completed workflows.


Unique IDs (Workflows)

Template ID: Each workflow design has an associated template ID. This template ID is assigned when it is published for use by business users. The template ID will change if a workflow is unpublished and republished. Template IDs can be obtained in-app or via API:

(1) In-App: Navigate to Ironclad's dashboard, start the workflow under "Start Workflow", and copy the unique ID at the end of the URL on the following page.
(2) API: Use the List all Workflow Schemas endpoint.

Workflow ID: Each individual workflow launched by a business user has an associated workflow ID. Workflow IDs can be obtained in-app or via API:

(1) In-App: Navigate to Ironclad's dashboard, find the workflow on the dashboard, click into the workflow, and copy the unique ID at the end of the URL on the following page.
(2) API: Use the List all Workflows endpoint.

Workflow Attribute IDs: Each field used in a workflow design has an associated attribute ID. These IDs can be used to create and modify workflows.

(1) Attribute IDs for fields on the launch form can be obtained via API by using the Retrieve a Workflow Schema endpoint to retrieve the attributes for a specific workflow design.

(2) Fields that cannot be modified via API (formulas, user dropdowns, and default system fields) can be retrieved by running a test workflow and calling the Retrieve a Workflow endpoint on the workflow.


Records are created for completed workflows. They contain the final signed agreement and metadata generated by the workflow and are stored in Ironclad's repository. The corresponding Records API allows you to retrieve, update, and create records.


Unique IDs (Records)

Record ID: Each record has an associated record ID. Record IDs can be obtained in-app or via API:

(1) In-App: Navigate to Ironclad's repository, add the Record ID column to your repository view, search for the relevant record, and copy the Record ID.
(2) API: Use the List all Records endpoint.

Record Property IDs: Each property on a record has an associated record property ID. These IDs can be used to create and modify records.

(1) Record Property IDs can be obtained via API by using the Retrieve Records Schema endpoint or by retrieving individual records using the Retrieve a Record endpoint.

(2) Note: The Retrieve Records Schema endpoint returns record properties across the entire repository. Workflows will likely not create records containing every record property due to varying business needs.


Ironclad ID

Ironclad ID: Each record and each workflow has an associated Ironclad ID. The Ironclad ID is designed to uniquely identify a contract through its entire lifecycle, so if a record is generated through a workflow, it will share the Ironclad ID with the workflow. Ironclad IDs will be unique in all other instances. Ironclad IDs can be obtained in-app or via API:

(1) In-App:
For records, Ironclad ID can be added as a column in the repository and can be found on the record page.
For workflows, Ironclad ID can be added as a column on the dashboard and can be found on the workflow page.
(2) API: The Ironclad ID can be used in place of the record or workflow IDs defined below and will be included in the reponse of any workflow or record returned by the API, such as Retrieve a Workflow, Retrieve a Record, and List all Records. For example, using the List all Workflow Schemas endpoint will include the Ironclad ID in the body of each workflow returned. Please refer to each endpoint's documentation to see the shape of the response that is returned.


A limited number of exports are available through the API with the purchase of the Security and Data Pro add-on. These exports allow you to consume some kinds of in-app activity in Ironclad into your preferred datastore.


Purchase Required

Use of the /exports endpoint requires the purchase of the Security and Data Pro add-on. Contact your Ironclad account representative for more information about purchasing this package.

Visualizing the API

The following diagram maps API endpoints and webhooks to the user experience in Ironclad. Some endpoints span the full lifecycle of a workflow while others are tailored to specific stages.


Public API Map

This API diagram provides a representative subset of Ironclad’s API to help you visualize how our API and user experience overlap. For the latest and most comprehensive set of endpoints and webhooks, please check the API Reference.

API Terms of Use

Access and use of Ironclad’s API is governed by our API Terms of Use at