Webhook Event Types


Ironclad offers multiple event types when setting up a webhook. This allows for more granular control on the types of events you need to receive. We recommend only choosing the events you absolutely need to reduce the volume on your webhook intake service.

Webhooks allow you to specify that we should POST to your URL when certain events happen. The POST body will include webhook details and a payload specific to the webhook type. Ironclad will attempt to send the POST request, and assume failure if we get a 4xx or 5xx response.

Each webhook target URL can only be registered once, with a list of the events it will listen for. If you need to modify a webhook, you can delete and re-create it. If a webhook gets a 410 response, it will delete itself and not fire again. If the response is any other 4xx or 5xx code, it will retry for up to three days.

Event Types


The workflow_launched webhook event type is triggered each time a workflow is launched. This event is especially helpful when you're launching workflows asynchronously.

Example payload:

    "companyID": "605b9829cdd37d296123f4b4",
    "payload": {
        "event": "workflow_launched",
        "templateID": "6063ac9e01a5542dafa3722b",
        "workflowID": "611fbd699f4a33b41d9f8295"
    "timestamp": "2022-04-07T21:36:52.776Z",
    "webhookID": "611fb96cb670f852d58db210"


The workflow_updated event is triggered each time a workflow has been updated. This can encompass many actions on a workflow (i.e. comments, editing comments, adjustments to the launched workflow, etc.).

Example payload:

    "companyID": "605b9829cdd37d296123f4b4",
    "payload": {
        "event": "workflow_updated",
        "templateID": "6063ac9e01a5542dafa3722b",
        "workflowID": "611fbd699f4a33b41d9f8295"
    "timestamp": "2022-04-07T21:36:52.776Z",
    "webhookID": "611fb96cb670f852d58db210"


The workflow_completed event is triggered once the workflow has been completed.

Example payload:

    "companyID": "605b9829cdd37d296123f4a4",
    "payload": {
        "event": "workflow_completed",
        "recordIDs": ["fb215e19-6d32-4d76-b457-0a69450b3964"],
        "templateID": "6063ac9e01a5542dafa3722b",
        "workflowID": "611fbd699f4a33b41d9f8295"
    "timestamp": "2022-04-07T21:36:52.776Z",
    "webhookID": "611fb96cb670f852d58db210"


The workflow_cancelled event is triggered any time the workflow is canceled.

Example payload:

    "companyID": "605b9829cdd37d296123f4b4",
    "payload": {
        "event": "workflow_cancelled",
        "templateID": "60e5d91d93bcd5f8da474be0",
        "workflowID": "611fb9dd43d439578a790c6a"
    "timestamp": "2022-04-07T21:36:52.776Z",
    "webhookID": "611fb96cb670f852d58db210"


The workflow_approval_status_changed event is triggered when an approver approves a workflow.

Example payload:

    "companyID": "6193fdf218328854844f18a0",
    "payload": {
        "approvalID": "approvere45f64a2582548299b7d82855e8283a0",
        "approvalName": "VP of Approvals",
        "event": "workflow_approval_status_changed",
        "status": "approved",
        "userEmail": "[email protected]",
        "userID": "605b985b886edf1f82bec9b0",
        "workflowID": "619581f0110ff070d0aadb12"
    "timestamp": "2022-04-07T21:36:52.776Z",
    "webhookID": "619581d6110ff070d0aad9a1"


The workflow_attribute_updated event is triggered when workflow attributes, such as counterparty signer names, are modified.

Example payload:

    "companyID": "6193fdf218328854844f18a0",
    "payload": {
        "changedAttributes": [
        "event": "workflow_attribute_updated",
        "templateID": "6247777a8ef13520f19f2406",
        "userID": "605b985b886edf1f82bec9b0",
        "workflowID": "619581f0110ff070d0aadb12"
    "timestamp": "2022-04-07T21:36:52.776Z",
    "webhookID": "619581d6110ff070d0aad9a1"


The workflow_comment_added event is triggered when a new comment is added to the workflow. This includes any comment event, including when a document is added to the workflow and a comment item is added.

Example payload:

    "companyID": "6193fdf218328854844f18a0",
    "payload": {
        "commentID": "n62iak877",
        "event": "workflow_comment_added",
        "isExternal": true,
        "templateID": "6247777a8ef13520f19f2406",
        "userID": "605b985b886edf1f82bec9b0",
        "workflowID": "619581f0110ff070d0aadb12"
    "timestamp": "2022-04-07T21:36:52.776Z",
    "webhookID": "619581d6110ff070d0aad9a1"


The workflow_comment_removed event is triggered when a comment is deleted.

Example payload:

    "companyID": "6193fdf218328854844f18a0",
    "payload": {
        "event": "workflow_comment_removed",
        "isExternal": false,
        "templateID": "6247777a8ef13520f19f2406",
        "userID": "605b985b886edf1f82bec9b0",
        "workflowID": "619581f0110ff070d0aadb12"
    "timestamp": "2022-04-07T21:36:52.776Z",
    "webhookID": "619581d6110ff070d0aad9a1"


The workflow_comment_updated event is triggered when a comment is edited.

    "companyID": "6193fdf218328854844f18a0",
    "payload": {
        "commentID": "n62iak877",
        "event": "workflow_comment_updated",
        "isExternal": false,
        "templateID": "6247777a8ef13520f19f2406",
        "userID": "605b985b886edf1f82bec9b0",
        "workflowID": "619581f0110ff070d0aadb12"
    "timestamp": "2022-04-07T21:36:52.776Z",
    "webhookID": "619581d6110ff070d0aad9a1"


The workflow_comment_reaction_added event is triggered when an emoji reaction is added to a comment.

Example payload:

    "companyID": "6193fdf218328854844f18a0",
    "payload": {
        "commentID": "n62iak877",
        "emojiID": "grinning",
        "event": "workflow_comment_reaction_added",
        "templateID": "6247777a8ef13520f19f2406",
        "userID": "605b985b886edf1f82bec9b0",
        "workflowID": "619581f0110ff070d0aadb12"
    "timestamp": "2022-04-07T21:36:52.776Z",
    "webhookID": "619581d6110ff070d0aad9a1"


The workflow_comment_reaction_removed event is triggered when an emoji reaction is removed from a comment.

Example payload:

    "companyID": "6193fdf218328854844f18a0",
    "payload": {
        "commentID": "n62iak877",
        "emojiID": "grinning",
        "event": "workflow_comment_reaction_removed",
        "templateID": "6247777a8ef13520f19f2406",
        "userID": "605b985b886edf1f82bec9b0",
        "workflowID": "619581f0110ff070d0aadb12"
    "timestamp": "2022-04-07T21:36:52.776Z",
    "webhookID": "619581d6110ff070d0aad9a1"


The workflow_counterparty_invite_sent event is triggered when a user sends an invite to collaborate to a counterparty.

Example payload:

    "companyID": "6193fdf218328854844f18a0",
    "payload": {
        "event": "workflow_counterparty_invite_sent",
        "templateID": "6247777a8ef13520f19f2406",
        "userID": "605b985b886edf1f82bec9b0",
        "workflowID": "619581f0110ff070d0aadb12"
    "timestamp": "2022-04-07T21:36:52.776Z",
    "webhookID": "619581d6110ff070d0aad9a1"


The workflow_counterparty_invite_revoked event is triggered when a collaboration invite to the counterparty is revoked.

Example payload:

    "companyID": "6193fdf218328854844f18a0",
    "payload": {
        "counterpartyID": "605b985b886edf1f82bec9b0",
        "event": "workflow_counterparty_invite_revoked",
        "templateID": "6247777a8ef13520f19f2406",
        "userID": "605b985b886edf1f82bec9b0",
        "workflowID": "619581f0110ff070d0aadb12"
    "timestamp": "2022-04-07T21:36:52.776Z",
    "webhookID": "619581d6110ff070d0aad9a1"


The workflow_documents_added event is triggered when documents are added to the workflow. If multiple documents are added in the same instance, the webhook will only fire once and contain document keys of all added documents.

Example payload:

    "companyID": "6193fdf218328854844f18a0",
    "payload": {
        "documentKeys": [
        "event": "workflow_documents_added",
        "templateID": "6247777a8ef13520f19f2406",
        "userID": "605b985b886edf1f82bec9b0",
        "workflowID": "619581f0110ff070d0aadb12"
    "timestamp": "2022-04-07T21:36:52.776Z",
    "webhookID": "619581d6110ff070d0aad9a1"


The workflow_documents_removed event is triggered when documents are removed from the workflow. If multiple documents are removed in the same instance, the webhook will only fire once and contain document keys of all removed documents.

Example payload:

    "companyID": "6193fdf218328854844f18a0",
    "payload": {
        "documentKeys": [
        "event": "workflow_documents_removed",
        "templateID": "6247777a8ef13520f19f2406",
        "userID": "605b985b886edf1f82bec9b0",
        "workflowID": "619581f0110ff070d0aadb12"
    "timestamp": "2022-04-07T21:36:52.776Z",
    "webhookID": "619581d6110ff070d0aad9a1"


The workflow_documents_updated event is triggered when documents are updated. If multiple documents are updated in the same instance, the webhook will only fire once and contain document keys of all updated documents.

Example payload:

    "companyID": "6193fdf218328854844f18a0",
    "payload": {
        "documentKeys": [
        "event": "workflow_documents_updated",
        "templateID": "6247777a8ef13520f19f2406",
        "userID": "605b985b886edf1f82bec9b0",
        "workflowID": "619581f0110ff070d0aadb12"
    "timestamp": "2022-04-07T21:36:52.776Z",
    "webhookID": "619581d6110ff070d0aad9a1"


The workflow_documents_renamed event is triggered when documents are renamed. If multiple documents are renamed in the same instance, the webhook will only fire once and contain document keys of all renamed documents.

Example payload:

    "companyID": "6193fdf218328854844f18a0",
    "payload": {
        "documentKeys": [
        "event": "workflow_documents_renamed",
        "templateID": "6247777a8ef13520f19f2406",
        "userID": "605b985b886edf1f82bec9b0",
        "workflowID": "619581f0110ff070d0aadb12"
    "timestamp": "2022-04-07T21:36:52.776Z",
    "webhookID": "619581d6110ff070d0aad9a1"


The workflow_document_edited event is triggered when a document is edited within the Ironclad editor.

Example payload:

    "companyID": "6193fdf218328854844f18a0",
    "payload": {
        "documentKey": "Bh1VrsMweL3",
        "event": "workflow_documents_edited",
        "templateID": "6247777a8ef13520f19f2406",
        "userID": "605b985b886edf1f82bec**9b0",
        "workflowID": "619581f0110ff070d0aadb12"
    "timestamp": "2022-04-07T21:36:52.776Z",
    "webhookID": "619581d6110ff070d0aad9a1"


The workflow_paused event is triggered when a workflow is paused.

Example payload:

    "companyID": "6193fdf218328854844f18a0",
    "payload": {
        "event": "workflow_paused",
        "templateID": "6247777a8ef13520f19f2406",
        "workflowID": "619581f0110ff070d0aadb12"
    "timestamp": "2022-04-07T21:36:52.776Z",
    "webhookID": "619581d6110ff070d0aad9a1"


The workflow_resumed event is triggered when a workflow is resumed.

Example payload:

    "companyID": "6193fdf218328854844f18a0",
    "payload": {
        "event": "workflow_resumed",
        "templateID": "6247777a8ef13520f19f2406",
        "workflowID": "619581f0110ff070d0aadb12"
    "timestamp": "2022-04-07T21:36:52.776Z",
    "webhookID": "619581d6110ff070d0aad9a1"


The workflow_signature_packet_sent event is triggered when a signature packet is sent out for review.

Example payload:

    "companyID": "6193fdf218328854844f18a0",
    "payload": {
        "event": "workflow_signature_packet_sent",
        "templateID": "6247777a8ef13520f19f2406",
        "userID": "605b985b886edf1f82bec9b0",
        "workflowID": "619581f0110ff070d0aadb12"
    "timestamp": "2022-04-07T21:36:52.776Z",
    "webhookID": "619581d6110ff070d0aad9a1"


The workflow_signature_packet_uploaded event is triggered when a signature packet is uploaded to the workflow.

Example payload:

    "companyID": "6193fdf218328854844f18a0",
    "payload": {
        "event": "workflow_signature_packet_uploaded",
        "templateID": "6247777a8ef13520f19f2406",
        "userID": "605b985b886edf1f82bec9b0",
        "workflowID": "619581f0110ff070d0aadb12"
    "timestamp": "2022-04-07T21:36:52.776Z",
    "webhookID": "619581d6110ff070d0aad9a1"


The workflow_signature_packet_cancelled event is triggered when the request for a signature is cancelled.

Example payload:

    "companyID": "6193fdf218328854844f18a0",
    "payload": {
        "event": "workflow_signature_packet_cancelled",
        "templateID": "6247777a8ef13520f19f2406",
        "userID": "605b985b886edf1f82bec9b0",
        "workflowID": "619581f0110ff070d0aadb12"
    "timestamp": "2022-04-07T21:36:52.776Z",
    "webhookID": "619581d6110ff070d0aad9a1"

* (all events)

This webhook event will be triggered for all events listed above.